I’m coming to you from sunny Karratha, West Aus where despite there being zero surf, the beautiful winter sunshine and cooler temps that are upon us are making me smile while softening the blow of my minor post surf retreat/return to normal (privileged) life blues 😊 . I had the strong urge to get writing this morning and then found out it was International Surfing Day, coincidence much?!
Okie dokie, so I have just returned from my second SoS surf retreat and it was maaaaaagic! Highly recommend 11/10 stars!!! The new connections (Ofriani, Selena, Shannon, Claire, Amanda, Wei, Jayme, Emma x 2, Tayla), the reconnections (my 1.0 SoS Gals Sharon, Michelle, Holly), the mental and physical reset, the calm mind, the navigating the waves and big swell, the cultural experiences, the laughs, the personal stories, the growth, the new friendships, the smiles and sense of achievement……..
But, I’ll be honest, I was reaaaaally not as excited as I have previously felt, and I very nearly didn’t end up getting on the plane for SoS 2.0…. Why?! Well after reflecting both before and after, I acknowledge that going through any big life event or transition (I was in an induced coma in January 2024 and my partners daughter has been very unwell recently), it can make the idea of travel away from comfort zones/people/home/medical care seem A LOT less appealing. Which, trust me when I say, no one was more surprised than me when these feelings crept in as the departure date neared, because I’m the lassy who you better believe likes to embody a #WANDERLUST #TRAVEL #ADVENTURER life and mindset where I can 😊. So, the apprehensive feelings and not wanting to head on an epic surf adventure to one of my fave Indonesian locations with likeminded ladies, was very puzzling to me. And, you might be wondering why would I share this less shiney tid-bit? Because it really got me thinking about both challenging ourselves when we have self-doubt AND listening to our needs by being kind to ourselves with realistic expectations. I’ll get a little more into this below for our monthly surf tip.
I will definitely be joining y’all again for more Sisterhood of Surf retreats because they are honestly like a warm cup of honey sweetened tea for my soul ♥♥♥. If this is the nudge you need to finally secure your spot on an upcoming SoS retreat and get some profesh photos like me on that wave, you’re welcome! Surf Retreats (sisterhoodofsurf.com)
Quote of the Month.
I love me a little quote to set the tone for the day, week, or month. The 18th century English author Samuel Johnson called curiosity “The Thirst of The Soul.” Two centuries later American author William Arthur Ward described it as “The Wick in The Candle Of Learning.” And the late, great Walt Disney claimed that it “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” Now, why am I quoting 18th century author or Walt Disney in a sisterhood of surf newsletter/blog!? Well, hahahaha, my brilliant ADHD tangential mind works in funny ways, buuuut the real link is that curiosity is often the thing that helps get me out of the mental and physical "funks", that we all manage as we traverse through this beautiful life. The curiosity to see if I could catch that wave or the curiosity of participating in Surf Apnea training on the 2.0 retreat. It is the little What If?! Question I ask myself that helps me when rationalising and deciding if I should push myself a little bit and embrace the discomfort. So next time you let the inner critic or uncomfortable feelings hold you back from something you’re trying to achieve, like learning to pop-up or catching a bigger wave, or even just booking the surf trip, I can personally vouch for leaning into the curiosity to help give you a wee nudge and ask yourself, What If?....
Surf Tip.
Beginner, Advanced Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced…. How do you know where you’re at with your surfing and does it matter?
Well, first things first! If you do not already follow Sisterhood of Surf Instagram page, why not??!!! Head over and click follow because Angie’s recent post on why she left Sumba early is a beautiful reminder of how, at times, our somewhat unpredictable Mother Nature coupled with individual surf abilities, may mean it’s the right decision to avoid surfing that day. Having an awareness of our current level when assessing the surf conditions is key to ensure we aren’t putting ourselves or others in unsafe situations, or, in my own experience, accidentally setting ourselves up to be sent through the washing machine, which, can in turn, be a real set-back to our progression and knock to our confidence.
So, what are the loose definitions of the various surf levels? I have read a fair few articles and had a yarn to my fellow surf mates so I could compile a little summary to help you, but please take it with a BIG pinch of salty sea salt, because the time needed between levels and is unique to you! I know people who advance super quick and others who take much longer (yours truly)… unless you’re planning on being a late entry to the WSL, take as long as you need and have fun while doing it!!!! Surfing is so much more than just standing up on a surf board.
My advice would be to focus on being competitive with yourself while learning from others and you will get to where you want to be with surfing. I’m sure there is a metaphor around smelling roses, but instead I’ll make it surf appropriate and say “…don’t forget to soak up the saltiness” in the process of your lifelong surf journey 😊.
Beginner Surfer is someone that has recently started to surf or has surfed less than 15-20 times. As a beginner surfer, you are learning how to paddle and pop up properly and likely using a soft top surfboard, or a long board to support you while you master your pop-ups on a high volume wider board. You are catching waves mostly in white water and start to learn how to surf green waves without turning just yet. You are learning how to read the ocean but don’t yet know how to time sets and or read the currents. Finally, you probably still struggle to catch waves on your own and need a push.
Advanced Beginner Surfer is when you feel confident with all of the above + you are comfortable catching waves on your own but might still need a push occasionally as your confidence grows on green waves and you build on reading the ocean. You are testing your limits and keen on trying new surf spots. You are starting to get comfortable with the concept of duck-diving (if you have opted to a hard, shorter board) but still not fully mastering it. You can angle your surfboard on take off and catch waves sideways, but likely still struggle to make a proper turn. You are just getting acquainted with some surf techniques but you don’t really know how to do it. A few checks on google and it appears an advanced beginner surfer has usually surfed inconsistently for less than 2 years or for 1 year consistently. In my case, surfing very inconsistently for ~20 years, but have started from scratch many times after injury, illness and confidence levels vary.
Intermediate surfer. You’re hooked on surfing #SHUKKASGIRRRRL and you want to start surfing with more power and flow. You are learning how to practice and improve fundamentals surf techniques such as pumping, bottom turn, top turn, cut back. You might occasionally get a barrel but if you do, you're not sure what to do next. You are fit enough to spend up to ~4+ hours in a session and you want to learn more advanced techniques to push your surfing to the next level. Intermediate surfers usually have 2 to 3 years + of consistent surfing or even 5-10 years of not so consistent surfing.
Advanced surfers. You’ve been consistently surfing for years. You are comfortable in larger swell, messy conditions and you can safely navigate busy conditions. You’re likely, not too concerned with hollow waves and late take offs. You might want to improve your barrel riding skills and perform #RAAAAD surf manoeuvres in the most critical part of the wave, with more power and flow…..
I’d class myself as an advanced beginner but you better believe I feel like a pro when I’m surfing my 2ft wave at Ekas or Tanjung Aan, Lombok ♥♥♥.
See you next month-ish and please please please holler if there are specific surf tips or info you would like included in the monthly blog!
Love Tahnee Xxx